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Automatic Cat Feeder

Yeowww! Catnip Toy, Yellow Banana

Cat Trees

Window Perches

Buy The Interactive Crazy Cat Circle

Cat Strollers

Cat Books

Our Cat Friends

wcw-cat-leaning-on-backCasper & Lily our our lovely white cats and Alaska is our gentle blue Burmese girl. We are blessed to have them with us now and to have shared time with other incredible cats over the years. Our lovely sable Burmese cat Jasper who passed away too young, our black rescue cat Pauline who enjoyed a peaceful old age with us. Our cats create a special, invisible bond between friends and family who have cats. There are common threads that entwine us with our cats; stories and life events shared that create a rich tapestry for the soul.

We want to share the pictures and stories of our cats and others like us who just couldn’t imagine not being around cats and sharing this brief life with us.

Cats Of InstagramCats Of Instagram

Boo The Deaf KittyBoo The Deaf Kitty

Last year Casper wanted to have his own Twitter page because it seemed all the cute and cool cats were on Twitter and he wanted to get in on the action. After seeing the hastags like #kittyloafmonday and #jellybellyfriday he knew he had found a fun place so he joined Twitter and started tweeting some ...

The Daily Purr: Cat Picture of the DayThe Daily Purr: Cat Picture of the Day

These are the latest updated photos of Casper, Lily, Belle and Alaska as well as any cats, kitties and creatures we meet along the way while we’re at home or on the road visiting, exploring and looking for cats around the town and around the country! The pictures are taken and sent from our iPhones ...

Alaska & JasperAlaska & Jasper

Jasper & Alaska are amazing Burmese cats. Alaska is a blue female Burmese and is a gentle soul with a kind heart. Her brother is Jasper, a sable colored handsome Burmese. Sadly Jasper passed away suddenly from a lung cancer. We were heartbroken to lose our Jasper and Alaska lost her companion and brother whom ...

Sookie & MisterSookie & Mister

  I have strangest roommates. They are an oddball pair, middle aged, both pudgy around the middle rather on the lazy side. He is mellow, most of the time being as chill as Buddha, while she is high strung and often demanding. Somehow, they have made it through as a committed couple for the better part ...

Alexandra’s CatAlexandra's Cat

Bringing a cat into your home might not seem like much of hassle, but for people that haven’t had the chance to raise a cat before, it may not be such a predictable experience. You need to be acquainted to some of the quirks cats present and learning a few tricks would be immensely ...


My mom has always had a special soft spot for orange cats, and she just couldn’t say no when our vet called saying there was a kitten there in need of a home. He came to us with the name Tarzan but was soon renamed Tigger, and there’s a common theme to these names you ...


This is my cat, Minzy. Back in 2009, my dad and I were looking through some newspapers and chanced upon an ad stating that there was a cat up for adoption in the city nearby. Without giving it much thought, we drove over and took her in. Minzy was a stray cat, and had been for ...


A Mouthful of Moss The first time he brought the moss in I thought it cute and kind of funny. A mound of dirt sewn together with a root system belonging to a crown of green fuzz, dropped with a thud on my white carpet by my eccentric Birman cat Ringo. It left a mark. Why he ...

Spark & EmberSpark & Ember

In February, my four kids and I lost our home to a fire. A wiring issue caused a light in our kitchen to catch fire in the wee hours of the morning. Luckily, everyone was able to get out of the house, and I called 911 as we watched our house go up in flames. Obviously, ...

Mouse & PickleMouse & Pickle

When my daughter was small, we had a beautiful black cat named Pierre, and they were constant companions. Lily loves every animal big or small, but this boy was her world. He began getting sick with urinary infections though, and every time we got him well we only had a few weeks before his pain ...


My life started out as one of seven in a litter of either all gray or all black kittens in a shelter across town. I looked like my mom a Russian blue. My siblings and I were named after the seven dwarfs but that never made a lot of sense to me. The shelter employees say ...


I grew up with cats. Actually I grew up with lots of pets, but we always had at least one cat. My Mom was (and is) the definition of an animal lover. I can remember rescuing strays, stopping to help lost pets, and often going to the local animal shelters to give the pets waiting ...

Remembering Our Dear PaulineRemembering Our Dear Pauline

Lend Me a Kitten I will lend to you for awhile a kitten, God said. For you to love while he lives, and mourn when he’s dead. Maybe for twelve or fourteen years, or maybe two or three. But will you, ’till I call him back, take care of him for me? He’ll bring his charms to gladden you and, ...

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