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Automatic Cat Feeder

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Cat Trees

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Cat Strollers

Cat Books


by Marie Anthony

My very dear Master and his Lady Wife I am really enjoying this lovely new life;
The milk is like nectar,
the food is ambrosial;
When I get my wings up I must pay you a call And sun-bathe awhile in the old tortoise house Oh,
I’ve just met a young monkey and a little white mouse And I’ve chummed up with Colombe,
a nice turtle dove;
Of course our dear Jenny is here and sends you her love;
And Pussy,
‘the pretty cat from Eighty Two,
Archway Road’,
And a budgie,
a froggie (he’s English!) and even a toad.
I think of you often;
I have never forgotten And please,
you mustn’t ever feel rotten About that Last Kindness.
You were truly my friend,
You lovingly stayed with me right to the end But,
you see,
it isn’t The End;
it’s more A Beginning,
You should just hear the purring,
the cooing and singing! Though there’s no bicycle here upon which to abide A sagacious old donkey often gives me a ride.
I feel and I know that you both are near.
Guess what?
Three hearty Miaows! Now I can hear.

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