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It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane…It’s Super Kitty!

super-kittyWhite cats are naturally interesting for they come from an animal family of rich history. This account does not pertain to damaged furniture, messed up homes, and spilled food in the kitchen of every household. Instead, white cat history also entails that this lovable feline also has heroic traits.

Surprising it may be, but there are heroic cats that captured the hearts of people around the world. To know more about these hero cats, the excerpt below will tell their uplifting stories of bravery:

Jack, the Cat Who Chased a Bear

Jack is a 15-pound cat that has chased a bear in West Milford, New Jersey in June 2006. The cat did this despite the danger for he is not happy the bear is in their backyard. The tabby courageously confronted the bear and sent it climbing up a tree in the neighborhood.

The funny thing is, Jack simply hissed as if it will kill the bear. In a span of 15 minutes, the big bear was trapped in the tree. When it tried to get away, the cat even chased him out to another tree.

According to Donna Dickey, the tabby’s owner, Jack does not want anyone in the backyard.

Tara, the YouTube Sensation Turned Hero

Tara is the popular, brave cat that saved the four-year old Jeremy Triantafilo. A video showed how bold the cat is in rescuing his owner from a neighbor dog biting and pulling the child from the bike. The cat slammed the dog and Erica Triantafilo, Jeremy’s mother, stated that she was bitten by the dog.

In YouTube, the video was shared and achieved five million views in less than a couple of days. The kid was taken in a hospital to receive ten stitches.

Tara was adopted by the family six years prior the incident. Erica stated that the cat is not naturally violent, but instead a mellow pet.

white cat in the garden

white cat in the garden

Baby, the Tabby Who Saved a Couple and Twins

Baby is the 13-year old tabby who saved a couple and their twins in suburban Chicago. A night in 2010, Josh Ornberg and Letitia Kovalovsky have fallen asleep on their couch. Little do they know that the back bedroom is already on fire and smoke is already filling the house.

Their tabby cat jumped on Josh and woke him up. According to him, the cat became the fire detector of the family no matter how embarrassing it may be. The couple was surprised for the cat has been timid all their lives.

Everyone survived despite losing almost all their possessions due to fire. The outcome is unfathomable without the help of the cat, said the police authority.

The aforementioned stories showed that cats are extra special. They have a heart of gold when it comes to their owners. They may be naturally playful but deep inside, they could change their personality for the sake of their owners.

Apart from the three heroic cats, there are more who have saved their humans from danger. These shows that even your white cats could be hero kitties regardless of the situation – accidents, house fires, or medical emergencies.

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